ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Օրգանական եվ դեղագործական քիմիայի գիտատեխնոլոգիական կենտրոն

ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Մոլեկուլի կառուցվածքի ուսումնասիրման կենտրոն

Օպտիկական սպեկտրոսկոպիայի լաբորատորիա

Տիգրան Ստեփանի Կուրտիկայն

Լաբորատորիայի վարիչ
Քիմիական գիտությունների դոկտոր,

Հեռ.՝ (+37410)-287-423,
Հեռ.՝ (+37493)-277-662,
Էլ-փոստ՝ kurto@netsys.am

Լաբորատորիայի մասին՝

The main direction of investigations carried out by Prof. Tigran Kurtikyan's research group is low-temperature stabilization and spectral characterization of the intermediates formed in the course of interactions of various ligands with metaloporphyrins of biological relevance to throw light on the mechanism of transformations taking place in biological systems. Sublimed layers methodology is developed to investigate these interactions spectroscopically without solvent interference. A number of intermediates were stabilized at low-temperature conditions and spectrally characterized as well as the number of reactions performed by porphyrins metallocenters were found. Especially productive were the investigations devoted to nitrogen oxides interactions with heme-modeling metalloporphyrins.
FTIR and UV-Visible spectroscopy combined with the sublimed layers methodology give rich information about reactions of nitrogen oxides with heme-modeling iron-porphyrins and interconversions of these species taking place in the coordination sphere of central metal ion. These chemical systems are valuable models of proteins and enzymes that have crucial roles in the control of blood pressure, neurological signaling and immune response in humans and therefore have drawn considerable attention from the biomedical community.
Prof. Kurtikyan's laboratory is equipped with modern spectroscopic apparatus including FTIR and FT Raman spectrometers, dispersive Raman spectrometers, numerous UV-vis spectrophotometers, Helium closed cycle refrigeration systems for matrix isolation studies, etc. Based on the metallocomplexes of meso-monopyridyl-tri-phenylporhyrins Dr. Kurtikyan has created biomimetic microporous systems containing coordinatively unsaturated metal atoms of biological importance (Fe, Co, Mn). These are the first such systems anywhere and his work has shown that they can have great practical use such as selective adsorbents, oxidation catalysts, and sensors.

Լաբորատորիայի անձնակազմը՝

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